At Connecto, we work to improve the lives and business opportunities of Estonians. Through our activities, we help to ensure that network operators are able to operate their vital connections. Since 2001, we have been dedicated to designing, building and maintaining the lifelines of modern society - electricity, telecommunications and gas networks.
We offer our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have the knowledge, the skills and the means to keep the infrastructure networks that keep society running.
Thanks to a smart workforce, a wide range of services and a regional presence, we are able to reduce the cost of network management by operating operationally and economically, thereby improving the profitability of our customers' businesses.
To ensure quality, our management system complies with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
Reliability - keeping our promises, treating our partners and colleagues with honesty and respect, and following good industry practice.
Professionalism - we set high goals, are open and innovative, successfully combining long experience with the opportunities offered by innovation.
Humanity - we care about our employees, creating a modern and developmental working environment with a performance motivation system.
Connecto's Code of Conduct aims to ensure that Connecto conducts its business in an ethical, transparent and fair manner. We support a proactive approach to environmental issues, respect the law and treat our colleagues, customers and partners with respect.
As an employer, Connecto values the health, family, personal and professional development of its employees. As a partner and client, Connecto puts professionalism and reliability first.
As well as professionalism, physical fitness and stamina are equally important in our business, as we often have to cope with challenging weather conditions and circumstances.
These principles guide our sponsorship activities, where we aim to promote engineering education and active lifestyles.
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Parima kasutuskogemuse pakkumiseks kasutame seadme teabe salvestamiseks ja/või juurdepääsemiseks selliseid tehnoloogiaid nagu küpsised. Nende tehnoloogiatega nõustumine võimaldab meil töödelda andmeid, nagu sirvimiskäitumine või kordumatud ID-d sellel saidil. Nõusoleku mitteandmine või nõusoleku tagasivõtmine võib teatud funktsioone negatiivselt mõjutada.